Sitemap » W

  • Windy City Wire 042003
    P/N 042003 - Lo-Capacitance, 24 AWG, 2 Pair Each Pair Shielded, 12.5 pF, 100 Ohm, Plenum Cable Specifications Description: 2 Pair, 24 AWG Tinned Copper Individually Shielded Pairs RS-232, RS-422 Low-Capacitance
  • windy city wire 001360
    Temperature Control SmartWire™  UL Listed and Rated Type CMP or CL3PMulti-Conductor Un-Shielded Plenum CableP/N 001360 - 16 AWG 2 Conductor Non-Shielded Plenum Cable Specifications Description: 16 AWG 2 Conductor Bare Copper, Non-Shielded
  • Windy City Wire 001230
    Temperature Control SmartWire™  UL Listed and Rated Type CMP or CL3PMulti-Conductor Shielded Plenum CableP/N 001320 - 16 AWG 2 Conductor Shielded Plenum Cable Specifications Description: 16 AWG 2 Conductor Bare Copper, Shielded
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